How to Apply for California Electrical Certification Exam

The California electrical certification application process is pretty complex. To simplify it, we have developed an intake form that:

  • Guides you step-by-step through the required documentation
  • Helps you identify which forms are needed for your specific certification pathway
  • Provides clear instructions for completing each section
  • Ensures you don't miss critical requirements that could delay your application

We strongly recommend starting your application as soon as you qualify for the exam, as it can take 6–8 weeks for your application to be processed. Additionally, if your pathway requires Social Security forms or other government-issued documents, obtaining these may take up to 2 months.

Certification Pathways

There are six ways to qualify for the electrical certification exam:

  1. Meeting the required hours of experience (varies by certification type)
  2. Holding an apprentice certificate
  3. Completing ET training
  4. Being in the final year of an apprenticeship
  5. Possessing a license from another state
  6. Having a NICET certification


1. Hours of Experience Path

Description: This pathway is for individuals who have gained their experience through on-the-job training under proper supervision, without completing a formal apprenticeship program.


  • 8,000 hours of work experience for general electrician
  • 4,800 hours of work experience for residential electrician
  • 4,000 hours of work experience for VDV and FLS techs
  • 2,000 hours of work experience for Non Residential Lighting Techs
  • Must complete detailed breakdown of work experience

Required Forms:

  • Application form with completed hours breakdown table and fit within 2 work categories
  • Itemized SSA report (non-certified) showing employer names and addresses
  • Employment verification letters if hours cannot be verified through SSA

2. Apprenticeship Certificate Path

Description: For those who have completed a formal electrical apprenticeship program, either in California or through a National program.


  • Completed apprenticeship term
  • Full certification from approved program

Required Forms:

National Apprenticeship:

  • Apprenticeship Certificate
  • SSA Report
  • Employment verification letters (if needed)

California Apprenticeship:

  • Apprenticeship Certificate only (no SSA report required)

3. Electrician Trainee (ET) Path

Description:This pathway is for individuals enrolled in a state-approved electrical education program while gaining work experience.


  • Enrollment in approved curriculum through state-recognized school
  • Certificate of Completion needed to take exam
  • Verified work experience required receive the certification card

Required Forms:

  • Certificate of Completion from approved program

4. Last Year of Apprenticeship Path

Description: Allows apprentices in their final year to begin the certification process before completing their full term.


  • Must be in final year of apprenticeship program
  • Cannot receive certification until apprenticeship is completed

Required Forms:

  • DAS1 form
  • Current apprenticeship status verification

5. Other State License Path

Description: For electricians who hold a valid license from another U.S. state.


  • Valid electrical license from another state
  • Verified work experience

Required Forms:

  • Copy of current state license
  • SSA report
  • Employment Verification Letters (if hours cannot be verified through SSA)

Application FAQ

Q: With an out-of-state license, do I need to provide an SSA report?
A: Yes, you must provide an SSA report and Employment Verification Letters if the hours cannot be verified.

Q: What type of SSA report is required?
A: You need an itemized (non-certified) Statement of Earnings that includes names and addresses of employers.

Q: Do I need to fill out the hours breakdown table if I have a license from another state or apprenticeship certificate?
A: No, the hours breakdown table is only required for those applying under Option 2 (On-the-Job Experience).

Q: If I'm applying with a National Apprenticeship, what documentation do I need?
A: You must submit both your Apprenticeship Certificate and SSA report.

Q: If I'm applying with a California Apprenticeship, do I need an SSA report?
A: No, those who completed their Apprenticeship in California do not need to submit the SSA form. Only submit your Apprenticeship Certificate.

Q: If I'm in my last year of apprenticeship training, what documentation do I need to apply for the exam?
A: You only need to submit a copy of the DAS1 form, but no certification card will be issued until completion of the apprenticeship term.

Q: What's required to become an Electrician Trainee (ET)?
A: You must be enrolled in an approved curriculum through a state-recognized school listed at

Q: As an Electrician Trainee, what's required to get my certification card?
A: You need your Certificate of Completion over the approved curriculum to take the exam. Afterwards you will need to get proof of 8,000 hours to receive your card.

Q: Do my work hours need to be completed under an active ET card, or do hours worked without one still count in California?
A: Hours worked without an ET card does not count towards your hours of work experience. C-10 electrical contractors are not allowed to hire non-ET as electrical workers.

Q: Do I need 720 hours of classroom instruction in addition to the 8,000 hours of work experience to take the electrical certification exam for General Electrician?
A: 720 hours is not required to qualify for the exam.

Q: Do I need to both enroll in a state-recognized school AND work under the direct supervision of a certified electrician to become an Electrical Trainee, or is it one or the other?
A: Electrical Trainee needs to sign up with a state recognized school. Working under direct supervision does not qualify you as an Electrical Trainee.

Q: If I have a Canadian Electrician License, can I apply for the exam?
A: Yes, you can apply with a Canadian license but must provide Employment Verification Letters from previous employers to verify your work hours.

Q: What are the fees for the application and exam?
A: Application fee: $75 (non-refundable), Examination fee: $100; Total: $175