Studying for your Red Seal or Level electrical exam for free

Download Canadian Electrical Exam Prep app and get your free practice questions, all based on the CEC.

Widely trusted and used by apprentices across 30+ college programs

"Downloaded the pro version almost immediately because I liked the easy pick up/on the go format, even without using a code book you could still learn a lot from this app, it develops muscle memory/keeps things fresh and helps me study when I’m in the go and I can’t use my full sized 2021 code book Would recommend the full version to any aspiring electrical apprentice that needs to study for the 309A red seal C of Q"

- Journeyman from Canada
“Highly recommend this app, with its challenging questions for someone that is prepping to get their certification in the electrical field, this app will teach you so many things! Also, with the hints that it gives as well, people can learn well from those. 5 STARS!!!”
"Myself and a group of classmates made good use of this app in our training for our Red Seal exams. It was an incredibly useful resource and I would highly recommend it for any student preparing to write."
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars on App Store & Play Store with hundreds of reviews

Comprehensive curriculum for Level 1, 2, 3, 4, Red Seal Construction & Industrial Exams

Level 1

  • Circuit Concepts including Ohm's Law, Power Law, series, parallel & DC circuits
  • Occupational Skills related to safety, tools and equipment, and work organization
  • Wiring Methods, with a focus on conductor sizing

Level 2

  • Circuit Concepts focusing on AC circuits
  • Service and Distribution concepts, including service sizing, consumer and supply systems, and protection devices like fuses and circuit breakers
  • More advanced Wiring Methods, including raceways, cables, branch circuits, and devices

Level 3

  • Circuit Concepts focusing on three-phase
  • Transformers (single-phase and three-phase)
  • Motors and controls, including a full review of motor sizing, overload, and overcurrent protection
  • HVAC and compressor systems

Level 4

  • High voltage, generation, and renewable energy
  • Communication systems, automated controls, and signaling systems
  • Special systems, including basic care areas and hazardous location questions

Red Seal Construction

  • Occupational Skills
  • Service & Distribution
  • Wiring Methods
  • Motors & Controls
  • Special Systems
  • Communications

Red Seal Industrial

  • Includes all topics from Red Seal Construction
  • Greater focus on automated control systems and building automation systems
  • Greater focus on industrial and special systems, including hazardous areas
  • Less code-focused compared to Construction

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